Documentation of installation from Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific Festival (MAAP) Brisbane Powerhouse, October 12 - 14, 2001.

Stills from MAAP 2001 show published in IDEATION, March 2002.

Profiled as a part of the National Association of Visual Artists (NAVA)/noise Artist a Day initiative October 17, 2001. (stills link)

24hr Coverage first screened in San Mateo, USA as a part of Television curated by Chris Fitzpatrick April 30 - May 21, 2001.

It should be noted that the above video was constructed using web video as source whereas the installed work uses a broadcast television news bulletin local to the context of the exhibition.


24hr Coverage investigates how the notion of news is relayed through commercial television: a medium that commodifies the spectacle and the new. In 24hr Coverage, Plaisted simulates an ongoing work using a modified consumer digital video appliance to mechanically display an extended news bulletin. The perception of speed mediated by the daily repetition of the new is represented as a continuous moment of now. Stripping the news subject of residual agency to communicate, reducing it to mere news content, 24hrC prompts viewers to question their approach to this portrayal of reality: If news comes to represent the public sphere, where is the space for discourse in a sound-bite? If it frames popular memory, where is the space for reflection in the perpetual now?

PRESS RELEASE: republished from

Television: artwork displayed in San Mateo, CA stores, from April 30 to May 21, 2001 dealing with themes related to television.

This spring, San Mateo will be subtly involved in a visual dialogue about television. For the show, curated by Daly City artist Chris Fitzpatrick, local to international artists were asked to create two-dimensional or video works inspired by, referencing, or created from 'television.' Map/keys will be located within the programs located at each store to make viewing all of the work fun and easy, similar to a treasure hunt. The results will be seen from April 30th to May 21th in various shops spanning San Mateo, CA.

New York artist Cyndy Warwick's chrome images, backlit from the sun, will glow in the window of San Mateo Electric Shaver. "TV2" and "TV6", Joseph Barbaccia's images created from old RCA Victor test patterns, offer a unique look at the relationship between society's usurped childhoods and television. “24hr Coverage,” Australian artist Tim Plaisted’s video, highlights television news’ role of compacting information into a short spectacle designed to make a viewer feel instantly informed of the sifted and selected reality presented.

"Television serves as a key distracting force in our society, this show questions what the characters and situations presented in television shows really provide us with. I wanted the show to exist outside of an ‘art’ setting to pose these questions to real people in relative situations" says Fitzpatrick.

The invited and selected artists featured in Television include Joseph Barbaccia, Andre Eggli, Chris Fitzpatrick, Jon Frechette, Andy Gamache, Paloma Helm, Javier Velasko Hernandez, Shane McLafferty, Beth Neumann, Daisy Otero, Tim Plaisted, Benjamin Shaffer, John Tinger, and Cyndy Warwick.

Television will be shown from April 30 to May 21, 2001 at A1 Cleaners, Cray Cleaners, Great Cuts, Kaufmann's Cameras, Louie's Cleaners, Mail Boxes Etc., Olympic Cleaner, Romolo's Ice Cream, San Mateo Electric Shaver, San Mateo Lock Works, Sofa Outlet, Sun's Violins, Vinyl Solution Records USA, and Yamasaki Bakery. All locations are easily accessible from public transportation. For directions and general information go to or email Chris Fitzpatrick at


Television, San Mateo, April 30 - May 21, 2001.

Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse,
October 12 - 14, 2001

Installation shot - Spark Bar, Brisbane Powerhouse,
Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse,
October 12 - 14, 2001

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: I am developing the project into a tangible new media work, which processes the live daily news broadcast into a continuous 24hr bulletin. The work will be a converted consumer digital VCR. I intend to modify the appliance's operating system to programmatically record, buffer and play back the broadcast live.

In developing the piece to become a converted appliance rather than a pre-recorded video tape, it is hoped that residual emphasis on the content will be further removed as the viewer recognises the footage not as news footage per se but as todayÕs current news.

Tim Plaisted 2001

--> boxc 2001.